Thursday, February 11, 2016

DNA extraction from geological samples assisted with Clark-MXR femtosecond laser micromachining technology

Traditional techniques used to extract DNA from thin sections of rock samples for amplification and analysis will often introduce contamination from the surrounding material. This is especially true when extracting microscopic inclusion in the presence of nearby unwanted materials. Our femtosecond laser micromachining capability offers a way to address these critical concerns.

This image shows a cylinder machined in a thin layer of a rock. The inclusion is isolated with negligible damage to either the center section or the surrounding area. And so that the trapped bio-matter in the middle of the circle can be analyzed without contamination of adjacent material.*

The Micromachining Job Shop at Clark-MXR has the capability, experience and know-how to help you in daunting tasks such as this one. See for more information or contact us at